It has no stable states and continuously switches between the two states without application of any external trigger. The IC 555 can be made to work as an astable multivibrator with the addition of three external components: two resistors (R1 and R2) and a capacitor (C
An Astable Multivibrator can be designed by adding two resistors (RA and RB in circuit diagram) and a capacitor (C in circuit diagram) to the 555 Timer IC. These two resistors and the capacitor (values) are selected appropriately so as to obtain the desired ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’ timings at the output terminal (pin 3).
The 555 timer chip is extremely robust and stable 8-pin device that can be operated either as a very accurate Monostable, Bistable or Astable Multivibrator to produce a variety of applications such as one-shot or delay timers, pulse generation, LED and lamp flashers, alarms and tone generation, logic clocks, frequency
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